Sunday, July 24, 2011

Alone again naturally

Again I find myself in a state of deep Depression. This has followed me for 30 years, in varying stages. As I am very adept at hiding this. I managed a carreer and to raise some great kids. Unfortuneately One of these great kids is so angry at me, We are not communcating. It is all really quite sad. I thought they knew me better. I guess i am not a very good mother,but i don,t take that kind of treatment from any. Not even my child

Which isn,t to say I con,t love them. Just I don,t agree with the behavior righr now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am so tired of this medical system. I am a chronically depressed person who doesn't fit into the system.I recently spent approx 3 months as an inpatient at a local hospital, The psychiatrist I met there was great as was th E.C.T team.

Problem was I eventually left the hospital. Still depressed and suicidal. The follow up was supposed to be _I could call the unit any time and talk to my doc. I tried that tonight and was told I didn,t need to lnow who was on call.

There are other things to. The main thing is .Nobody listens I have been told by someone close to me I am petulant, and threatening. My husband told me I was making it all up and wasn,t sick at all. I have had enough Because of commitments and family situations I have decided to make my final decision May I. If anyone thinks that poses a threat so be it. I amthrough caring what other people think. I will live or die for me